Aptana Studio ヘルプ > はじめに > Developing Adobe AIR projects

Package and publish your AIR application

The first step in preparing your application for distribution is packaging the contents into an .air file and Aptana Studio provides a simple wizard for this purpose.

For the configuring certificates URL, please refer to Configure Certificates Preferences. Future features such as import certificates can be completed here.


Adobe Air Package Exporter

Air Package Exporter
Air Package Exporter
  • Select your project
  • Select the application descriptor file
  • Select the AIR SDK. Aptana ships an AIR SDK (v1.5) with this plugin but you can specify another SDK by clicking on Configure Adobe AIR SDKs
  • Optionally package and generate the Jaxer build version, an option that's only available if you created a Jaxer version of your app in the New Project Wizard