Aptana Studio ヘルプ > はじめに > Debugging JavaScript with the Aptana Studio Debugger

Getting started with Aptana Studio Debugger


This walkthrough will instruct you how to install the Aptana JavaScript debugger, add a breakpoint to your code, and display the current values of your variables.

  1. Import the debugging sample as a project.
    1. In the Samples View, expand the Aptana Studio Samples node.
    2. Select the Debugger Sample.
    3. Right-click the Debugger Sample and select Import sample as project from the context menu.
    4. Follow the prompts to import the sample.

      Aptana creates a new Debugger Sample project, which includes a debug_tests.html file (which will automatically open) and a debug_timer.html file. You will be using debug_timer.html later on in this tutorial.

    5. In your Project View, navigate to the new Debugger Sample project.
    6. Expand the Debugger Sample project node.
    7. Open the debug_timer.html file in your Editor.
  2. Install the debugger.
    1. From the Run menu, select Debug... to open a Debug window.
    2. In the lower-left corner of the Debug window, under the list of Configurations, click the New button to create a new configuration.
    3. In the Name field, type a name for your new configuration (e.g. "debug").
    4. Under Web Browser, browse to your Firefox installation, if it is not there by default.
    5. Click the Debug button to install the debugger into Firefox.

      A browser window opens, checks for the Debugger extension, and then closes.

      Aptana displays a prompt asking if you would like to install the Debugger Extension.

    6. On the prompt, click Yes to install the Debugger Extension for your browser.

      A browser window opens and displays a Software Installation prompt.

    7. Click the Install Now button to start installing the debugger.

      An Extensions pop-up window displays the list of extensions installed in your browser.

    8. Close the Extensions pop-up window.
    9. Close your browser window.

      Aptana opens an Install Debugger Extension pop-up window.

    10. On the Install Debugger Extension pop-up window, click OK.

      A browser window opens, which installs the debugger.

    11. Close the browser window.

      Aptana displays a prompt telling you that the debugger was successfully installed.

    12. Click OK.

      A browser window opens that contains the start page that you specified in your configuration.

  3. Start debugging.
    1. Return to Aptana, and switch to the Debug perspective.

      To access the Debug perspective for the first time, click the Perspective button Image:iconPerspective.png and select Other... > Debug from the pop-up menu.

      Aptana switches to the Debug Perspective.

    2. On the Debug View in the upper-left corner of the Debug Perspective, select the main thread for timer.html and click the Suspend button Image:iconSuspend.png to suspend the current JavaScript thread.
    3. Switch back to Firefox, and click the Start button on the timer page to start executing the JavaScript for the page.
    4. Switch back to Aptana to continue debugging.
  4. Add a breakpoint to your code.
    1. In timer.html, navigate to the timerUpdate() function.
    2. On the second line of the timerUpdate function (i.e. if( timerID ) {), right-click in the gray margin, and select Toggle Breakpoint from the context menu.
    3. Click the Resume button Image:iconResume.png to resume execution of your code.

      Execution of your JavaScript code will automatically suspend on this breakpoint.

  5. Inspect the values of your variables.
    1. In the upper-right part of the Debug perspective, click the Variables tab.

      The Variables View displays the values for the variables in the current stack frame.

    2. Click the Show Type Names button Image:iconShowTypeNames.png to display what types your variables are.
    3. Right-click a variable and select Change Value... from the context menu, if you want to change a variable value.
  6. Quit the debugger.
    1. Click the Terminate button Image:iconTerminate.png to stop debugging and close your Firefox window.