Aptana Studioヘルプ > はじめに > Developing Rails Projects with RadRails > Installing and configuring RadRails

Installing RadRails on Ubuntu Linux

Aptana RadRails will prompt you to install any needed Ruby gems for users with Windows or Mac OS X operating systems. If you're on Ubuntu or Debian Linux, though, a few more manual steps are needed to get RadRails running smoothly. The instructions below give the commands that you'll need to use to install Ruby, Ruby Gems, Rails, and Mongrel as both a root and non-root user.

Note: Much of the information on this page originally appeared on the Ubuntu Community Documentation site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RubyOnRails


Installing as root

Make sure that you have the Universe repository enabled in your /etc/sources.list. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto for instructions.

In Ubuntu 6.06LTS or newer, you can install the "rails" package then skip to creating your first Rails app but this can cause some annoying issues with Ubuntu's package management (apt-get) and the Rails gem manager.

Installing Ruby

At the command line:

sudo apt-get install ruby rdoc irb libyaml-ruby libzlib-ruby ri libopenssl-ruby ruby1.8-dev 

Installing Ruby Gems via source

Install the gem executable to /usr/bin/gem1.8:

wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/29548/rubygems-1.0.1.tgz 
tar xzvf rubygems-1.0.1.tgz
cd rubygems-1.0.1
sudo ruby setup.rb
sudo gem update --system
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem

Installing as a non-root user

You can install Rubygems in your home directory, which is possibly safer as it doesn't install or modify files outside of your home directory.

Installing Ruby

At the command line:

sudo apt-get install ruby rdoc irb libyaml-ruby libzlib-ruby ri libopenssl-ruby 

Installing Ruby Gems

wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/17190/rubygems-0.9.2.tgz 
tar xzvf rubygems-0.9.2.tgz
cd rubygems-0.9.2
export GEM_HOME=$PREFIX/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 
export RUBYLIB=$PREFIX/local/lib/ruby:$PREFIX/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8
ruby setup.rb all --prefix=$PREFIX

Next, add GEM_HOME and RUBYLIB into your ~/.profile file to automatically load on login (otherwise some scripts will not be able to find rubygems).

Installing Rails and its dependencies

At your command line:

~/bin/gem install rails -y 

Creating your first Rails application

You can create your first Rails application as the current user without using "sudo":

$ ~/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin/rails/path/to/new/railsapp 

Replace /path/to/new/railsapp with your own path to where you want your app source code to live (e.g. /home/myhome/rails/myapp.)

Installing Mongrel

At the command line:

sudo apt-get install build-essential 
sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev
sudo gem install mongrel

Installing the MySQL gem

sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
sudo gem install mysql

Installing SQLite3

The instructions in this section originally appeared on the Plan A blog:

  1. Type the following on the command line to install SQLite:
    sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
    sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby
  2. Create a database by creating an empty file, using the following code:
    touch database_name_dev.db
    touch database_name_test.db
    touch database_name_prod.db
  3. Configure the following files as described:
    • development:
      • adapter: sqlite3
      • database: db/database_name_dev.db
    • test:
      • adapter: sqlite3
      • database: db/database_name_test.db
    • production:
      • adapter: sqlite3
      • database: db/database_name_prod.db