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2018.04.19 Ver.2 (2019.2.14)

ACS 1.1.9 Release Note

ACS 1.1.9 - 05 March 2015

New features, improvements, and changes

  • ACL queries — In prior ACS releases, any user could query ACLs created by another user. In applications created with ACS 1.1.9 and later, a user can only query ACLs they create, while an application admin can query ACLs for any arbitrary user by specifying the user_id field.

  • Send push notifications to multiple push channels — The Push Notifications API now supports sending push notifications to multiple push channels. Simply comma-separate the list of channels you want to send the notification to. Due to this change, push channel names cannot contain a comma.

  • user_id field renamed to sudo_id for admin operations — The user_id field, which was used to indicate the user that an application administrator could perform an ACS API call on behalf of, was renamed to the sudo_id field. For details, see Admin Access-Perform ACS API Calls on Behalf of Another User.

Bug fix

  • Fixed an issue where a delayed job, such as exporting a large data set, would exit silently.
  • Fixed pagination on push channel queries. Previously, push channel query results would not be correctly paginated.