明壁幕府忍法帳 > Aptana Index > Home > Titanium SDK > Titanium SDK Guide > Contributing to Titanium > Platform Development > Android Titanium SDK Development Setup

2018.12.07 Ver.45 (2019.4.3)

Android Titanium SDK Development Setup


This is a guide to setup the Android development environment to develop for Titanium Mobile.

Getting started


ADT has been discontinued and we don't recommend using it.

  1. Make sure you have the environment setup to build Titanium Mobile: Building the Titanium SDK From Source
  2. Download Eclipse IDE: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
  3. After download finishes, unzip and run it. You'll need to create a new workspace if you don't have one already.
  4. Uninstall CDT plug-in if you have it installed in Eclipse. Our setup will not work with CDT.
  5. Install ADT by following the instruction on http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html#installing  
    • If you see a warning message of "installing unsigned content" during installation, click OK
  6. Restart Eclipse after installation complete.

Set up Eclipse environment

After completing the getting started section:

  1. Import Projects by launching Eclipse and go to File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.
    1. Click Next.
    2. Click Browse, then go into this directory: titanium_mobile/android 
      • Note: this path will vary (depends on where you clone the directory). 
    3. Click Open.
    4. Now you should see a number of projects under Projects directory. You can enable "Copy projects into workspace", but I prefer not to, b/c if this is enabled, every time you pull from master, or rebuild titanium_mobile, your eclipse workspace will not get updated. 
    5. Click Finish.
  2. Create a Java project named titanium-dist by navigating to File > New > Java Project
  3. After you name the project, click Finish.
  4. Create a lib directory inside titanium-dist and link it with titanium_mobile/dist/android directory. Right-click on titanium-dist project and go to New > directory > enter name. Next, click Advanced > select Link to Alternate Location > Browse > select titanium_mobile/dist/android directory (titanium_mobile is the directory you cloned from above).
  5. Run SCons from terminal, then refresh your workspace. At this point, you should NOT see any errors. If you see odd errors, regarding DDMS or similar, try restarting Eclipse/ADB.
    • NOTE: If you encounter an error to do with ANDROID_NDK not found, go to Eclipse > About Eclipse > Installation Details, and remove the Android Native Development item.

Create test projects in Eclipse

After the Eclipse environment is set-up, we are now ready to create a test project in Eclipse for debugging purposes.

  1. Create a new Android project named TitaniumTest:
    1. File > New > Project... > Android > Android Project.
    2. Click Next > Select Google API 2.2 (API 8). Note: you may see two copies of the google APIs, pick one.
    3. Hit Next > enter Package Name: com.titanium.test
    4. Click Finish.
  2. Create a new Titanium Project via Titanium Studio with the exact same credentials:
    1. File > New > Titanium Mobile Project.
    2. Enter name: TitaniumTest, with the app Id: com.titanium.test
    3. Click Finish.
  3. Under src/com.titanium.test/, rename the class TitaninumTestActivity.java to TitaniumtestActivity.java. If Eclipse doesn't automatically update the classname, update it yourself. (This is necessary for the generated files in the next step.)
  4. Run the project you just created via Titanium Studio on an Android device/emulator. This should generate a build directory in your Filesystem. 
  5. Navigate to the Filesystem: Build > Android > gen > com > titanium > test.
  6. Copy all the .java files except for R.java over to your Eclipse project. These files go to src/com/titanium/test on your Filesystem. 
  7. Replace the contents of your AndroidManfiest.xml in Eclipse with the one in Titanium Studio, precisely build>Android>AndroidManifest.xml. If you see any errors like missing themes or icons, just delete those fields from your xml.
  8. In your Eclipse Filesystem, create a directory named Resources in /assets, and copy Resources directory from your Titanium Studio project to /assets/Resources. Creating a symlink between two directories will not work.
  9. In your Eclipse project, add necessary libraries to it. You can do this by right clicking on the project, go to Properties > Android, then under the Library section, click Add on the right side. You should see a list of options, add ALL of them (you can only add one at a time). This won't actually work anymore with the latest Android SDK. The problem is that you won't be able to breakpoint in the Library project. In your Eclipse project, add necessary libraries to it: go to Properties > Java Build Path > Projects. Add all the Titanium projects. Now go to the next tab "Libraries". Add JARS... select all the projects libraries (each time under bin directory). You have to do them one by one. Finally go to the last tab "Order and Export", Select all the titanium projects + jars
    • If you updated to ADT 22, there's an existing bug that will cause Eclipse environment to stop working. Here's the link to the issue: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=55304.  To fix this, right-click on the project you want to run (NOT the library projects), Properties > Java Build Path > Order and Export > check Android Private Libraries box.
  10. In your Eclipse project, locate TitaniumtestApplication.java, and remove the content inside verifyCustomModules method, but DO NOT remove the method.
  11. Refresh your workspace, full clean, and re-build.
  12. Run/Debug the project.

Setting up IntelliJ IDEA environment

  1. Download and install IntelliJ IDEA here: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/
  2. Import Projects > Select your source (~/Titanium_Mobile/android) > choose Eclipse box,  and hit Next.
  3. Make sure format is .idea and hit Next > Now. All the projects should be selected and you want to unselect the android-build and TitaniumTest projects. Then hit Next.
  4. Select Android 6.0 SDK and click Finish.
    • Note: if this is your first time running InteillJ, you may need to set Android home path. If you don't see Android 6.0, you'll need to install Android 6.0.
  5. Now you may see a "Locate Eclipse Information" dialog window, click Cancel. A dialog window called "Import from Eclipse" may pop up in which case you click Cancel. This will result in an error says unknown JDKs. If you're seeing this, one or more projects imported is using the JDK that is not configured in IntelliJ. For instance, if you have JDK 1.7 on IntelliJ, and kroll-apt project is using 1.6, you'll see this. Click Ok for now.
  6. Now you may see the dialog window "Import Android dependencies from property files", check all, and click Ok.
  7. This step assumes you have JDK 1.7 configured on IntelliJ. Do a quick Build > Make Project. You should see the error "Cannot start compiler... SDK is not specified for module kroll-apt". Click Ok, this should take you to Project Structure of kroll-apt, where you'll see "JavaSE-1.6" and "ECLIPSE" boxes red. Remove ECLIPSE by right-clicking and selecting remove. Then change "Module SDK" to 1.7.
  8. In the same window, go through each module and remove com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.DEPENDENCIES. Click Ok once you're done.
  9. Right-click on titanium module > Open Modules Settings > Remove "kroll-apt.jar" > click on the "+" button at bottom left corner, choose Module Dependencies, then choose "kroll-apt". Now check the export box for kroll-apt, kroll-common, android-support-v7-cardview and android-support-v7-appcompat. Now change the scope of android-support-v7-cardview to "Provided". Then go to each modules, and remove kroll-apt.jar if present.
  10. Build > Rebuild Module. It should compile successfully. If the build fails due to map, right-click the map module > Open Module Settings, and make sure the Module SDK is "Android 6.0 Google APIs".

Create test projects in IntelliJ

These steps assumes you already have a working test project for Eclipse, if not please follow the procedure for creating one above.

  1. Import your Eclipse project over: File > New > Module from existing sources. For first timers, import titanium_mobile/android/dev/TitaniumTest.
  2. Right-click on your newly imported module, go to module settings, click on the "+" button on the bottom left, select "Module Dependency" and add everything on that list EXCEPT for kroll-common, appcompat, and cardview.
  3. Run SCons if you haven't already. Forgetting to run SCons will result in runtime error. To run SCons for Titanium SDK versions 5.4.0+, navigate to titanium_mobile/build directory then run this in the terminal: npm install && node scons.js build && node scons.js package && node scons.js install. Ensure you have latest stable version of Node and npm installed for this to work.
  4. Go to Build > Rebuild Project.

Setting up InteliJ IDEA environment on Windows


Environment variables

  • ANDROID_SDK - Location of Android SDK with no spaces: (C:\PROGRA~2\Android\ANDROI~1)
  • ANDROID_NDK - Location of Android NDK with no spaces: (C:\PROGRA~2\Android\ANDROI~2)
  • ANT_HOME - Location of Ant: (C:\ant)
  • JAVA_HOME - Location of JDK: (C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_102\)

Importing Android Titanium project into InteliJ

Fix dependencies

  1. Right-click on the android project and click Open Module Settings.
  2. Click the "+" to add a New Project Library, and click Java.
  3. Navigate to titanium\lib\aps-analytics.jar and click OK.
  4. Add this library to app, locale, network, and platform modules.
  5. In the library list you should also see lib3, right-click, and select Add to Modules....
  6. Add this library to calendar, contacts, geolocation, gesture map, and TitaniumTest modules.
  7. Again, right-click lib1, and select Add to Modules....
  8. Add this library to TitaniumTest.

Compiling kroll-v8 on Windows

Additional Requirements

Download the binaries, rename gzip into gunzip and place both into C:\Windows\System32


  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to titanium_mobile/build.
  2. Execute node scons.js build


For formatting, we follow Android's formatting style. You can follow the eclipse formatting rules at https://source.android.com/source/using-eclipse.html#eclipse-formatting.

You can download the formatting file here: android-formatting.xml