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2019.07.01 Ver.21 (2021.2.24)

Appcelerator CLI Troubleshooting


When running into issues with the Appcelerator CLI, there are some simple steps to figure out additional information.

Submitting a bug

Refer to Reporting Bugs or Requesting Features for more information. Check JIRA first as the issue may already have been reported with a fix or workaround. When submitting a bug, it is often helpful to provide a stack trace and debug log. You can do so by running the CLI with an extra parameter of DEBUG=* before the regular command and a trace flag after the regular command. For example (replace <command> with the actual command):

OS X/Linux
DEBUG=* appc <command> -l trace
cmd /C "set DEBUG=* && appc <command> -l trace"

Another useful piece of information is which version of Node you are running and which versions of the Appc CLI you are using. Here are some useful commands to get the Appc CLI versions:

npm ls -g appcelerator # shows you the version of Appc CLI from NPM that is currently installed
$ npm ls -g appcelerator
└── appcelerator@4.2.12
appc use # shows you the version of Appc CLI from Registry that is currently selected and installed
$ appc use
The following versions are available:
6.2.4    Not Installed                    
6.3.0    Not Installed                              
7.0.0    Installed                               
7.0.1    Installed                           
7.0.2    Installed (Active)


Please re-try this install again

This error manifests items in several different ways, such as:

  • Invalid file download checksum. This could be a result of the file being modified in transit or it could be because the download was interrupted or had an error....Please re-try this install again.
  • Server responded with unexpected error: SSL authorization failed. URL: appc-registry-server-distribution.s3.amazonaws.com does not have a valid fingerprint which can be used to verify the SSL certificate...Please re-try your install again. If you continue to have this problem, please contact Appcelerator Support at support@appcelerator.com.

This is often best solved by two options: reinstalling the appcelerator command line via NPM or logging out with -D:

[sudo] npm install -g appcelerator
appc use latest
Log out -D
appc logout -D
appc login # reauthenticate again with access code

Application deployment failed

  • Application deployment failed. Error was: Error: Error loading connector/appc.arrowdb. RequestSSLError: SSL authorization failed. URL: api.cloud.appcelerator.com does not have a valid fingerprint which can be used to verify the SSL certificate.