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2018.09.18 Ver.2 (2019.1.5)

Arrow Builder 1.1.0 Release Note

Arrow Builder 1.1.0 - 08 July 2015

Arrow Builder 1.1.0 is a feature release, including new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Behavior Changes

Connectors no longer automatically generate APIs for their models. To automatically generate the APIs for a connector's model, add the modelAutogen key to the connector's configuration file and set it to true.

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • API-526: MySQL Connector: If you use sel/unsel in a query, null values are being returned
  • API-556: While running locally, if you update a local model's name, then the previous auto-generated API docs do not get deleted
  • API-600: Connector models should not generate API's automatically
  • API-646: ArrowDB: Show an error when trying to query with $like and a wildcard prefix
  • API-690: ArrowDB Connector: if you use the distinct endpoint with a $like query, a stack trace is thrown in the terminal
  • API-803: Conflict with auto-generated "/api/user/:id" API endpoint when creating an "/api/user/me" API endpoint
  • API-851: Defer batch requests to connectors if applicable
  • API-866: Export express so user can access included middleware
  • API-876: If you make a PUT API call, you will get a 404 on the first request
  • API-879: Fixed request logging
  • API-884: Fixed access log capabilities
  • API-894: If you create a new model while running locally, the local admin page becomes blank after you refresh
  • API-906: Latest arrow is returning 404 for PUT request (update) using arrowdb

Known Issues

  • API-905: Arrow application throws an error when trying to use two different MySQL databases.
  • API-917: The styling of the code examples in the Admin console is skewed for both local builds and published Arrow applications.

API Changes

Arrow.express instance property Express module instance.