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2020.01.16 Ver.8 (2021.1.18)

Creating a new template


Users can create new templates or modify existing templates to allow easy creation of default content.


We assume you've created a new Ruble as a placeholder for the following content.

Creating a new file template

New file templates are templates that show up after a user has entered a file name and has clicked the Next button:

  1. Open the existing bundle.rb file
  2. Add the following content to the bottom of the file:

    template "Sample File Template" do |t|
      t.filetype = "*.txt"
      t.location = "templates/sample.txt"
  3. Replace the "sample" and "txt" values with values appropriate to your filetype.
  4. Create a templates folder underneath the rublename.ruble folder.
  5. Drop-in file sample.txt (or the specific file you have created).
  6. Save and close bundle.rb.

If you now go to File > New > File... and create a file name of the appropriate extension above, you should see your template in the list.

Creating a new project template

New project templates are templates that show up after a user has entered a project name and has clicked the Next button:

You can create project templates that reference a local .zip file or retrieve content from the web.

Project types

Project templates can be added to existing project wizards by the specification of the "type" element:




All project types


Ruby projects


PHP projects


Web projects


Python projects


Titanium Desktop projects


Titanium Mobile projects

Local content

If your content is hosted locally, you can reference a .zip file containing the files in question.

  1. Create a templates directory in the bundle and add a project_templates.rb file in the templates directory.
  2. Add the following content to the project_templates.rb file:

    require 'ruble'
    project_template "Sample Project Template" do |t|
      t.type = :web
      t.location = "templates/sample_project.zip"
      t.description = "A sample project template"
      t.icon = "template.png" // Ideally a ruble-relative path to a 48x48px icon. Could also be a URL to a remote file
      t.tags = ['Titanium Classic']
  3. Replace the template name, "web", and "sample_project.zip" values with values appropriate to your project.
  4. Drop the file sample_project.zip in the templates folder.
  5. Save and close project_templates.rb.

File > New > Project... and create a project of the appropriate type above; you should see your template in the list.

Remote content


Note that this does not yet work for Titanium projects. See bug http://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TISTUD-640 for status on that feature.

If you instead have a project template hosted on a Git repo, you can reference that as well:

  1. Create a templates directory in the bundle and add a project_templates.rb file in the templates directory.
  2. Add the following content to the project_templates.rb file:

    require 'ruble'
    project_template "Sample Remote Project Template" do |t|
      t.type = :web
      t.location = "git://github.com/repo.git"
      t.description = "Remote template. Requires network access."
      t.icon = "template.png" // Ideally a ruble-relative path to a 48x48px icon. Could also be a URL to a remote file
      t.tags = ['Titanium Classic']
  3. Replace the template name, "web", and "location" values with values appropriate to your project.
  4. Save and close project_templates.rb.

File > New > Project... and create a project of the appropriate type above; you should see your template in the list.

The Ruble Specification gives a complete discussion on the new Ruble scripting system in Studio.

Template variables

It's possible to add template-variables in the project's template files. Those variables will be substituted with the appropriate content as the project is created.


By default, variables are not replaced. If you need to turn this on, use "t.replace_parameters = true" in the project template definition to enable substitution

The following variables are supported:


The file name, without the file extension.


The absolute path to the current file.


The directory path for the current file.


The name of the created project.


The current time (in words).


The current year.

Variables should be inserted inside a ${} blocks into your code. For example:

Project name is ${TM_PROJECTNAME}.

2 コメント

  1. For Project Templates, what type should be set for use as a Titanium Mobile Project ?

    I've got it working but only as a Web Project, ideally I need to be able to use it as a Titanium Mobile template, and most people reading this guide will do to.

    project_template "XXX Remote Template" do |t|
    t.type = :web
    t.location = "git://github.com/repo.git"
    t.description = "Remote template. Requires network access."

    t.type is the issue I think.

    1. We've updated the table above.