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2017.08.02 Ver.4 (2019.2.21)

Modifying editor preferences


This page describes how to modify or customize some editor settings in Studio. Some editor settings can be modified in preferences, and can be further modified by editing a Ruble. Follow the directions below to further customize settings.

Smart Typing Pairs

Smart typing pairs is when you type a character such as ' or (, and it auto-inserts the matching ' or ).

Modifying the Built-In Bundles

  1. Find the bundle that represents the editor you are interested in. If it's a HTML-based editor (like PHP), you'll want to edit the HTML ruble.
  2. Select the menu item Commands > Bundle Name > Edit this Bundle. It will create a project in your workspace with the contents of that bundle.
  3. Open up the bundle project, and find the bundle.rb file.
  4. Edit (or add) the smart_typing_pairs section.
  5. Save the file. Your new settings should be in effect.


As an example, we remove the auto-character insertion of quotes inb the HTML/PHP editors, but leave parens and braces alone.

  1. Select menu "Commands > HTML > Edit this bundle."
  2. Open the file HTML / bundle.rb. searching for the following:

    smart_typing_pairs["text.html meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin"] = ['"', '"', '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', "'", "'"]
  3. Edit the smart_typing_pairs property to use the new key command to the following:

    smart_typing_pairs["text.html meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin"] = ['(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']']
  4. Save the file. The update should work as expected.
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