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2020.01.16 Ver.8 (2021.1.24)

Running the debugger


Once you have the JavaScript debugger configured and installed for your browser (see Installing the JavaScript debugger), you can run the JavaScript debugger. Use the debugger to help you troubleshoot your JavaScript code.


To run the debugger:

  1. Use Debug toolbar drop-down item to start any previously saved launch configuration. Or
  2. In either your App Explorer or Project Explorer views, right-click the file that you want to debug and select Debug As... > JavaScript Web Application from the context menu. A browser window containing your file opens.
  3. Return to Studio.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the workbench, click the Debug perspective button .

    If this is your first time using the Debug perspective, click the Perspective button in the upper-right corner of the workbench, then select Other > Debug from the pop-up menu. Studio will "remember" the Debug perspective and create a button for it after that.

You can now start using the Debug perspective to start debugging your JavaScript code. See About the Debug perspective for more information.

To stop debugging and close your browser window, click the Terminate button  in Debug or Console views.

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