明壁幕府忍法帳 > Aptana Index > Home > AMPLIFY CLI > AMPLIFY CLI Quick Start

2021.01.19 Ver.6 (2021.1.21)



Thank you for your interest in the AMPLIFY CLI. This documentation covers the AMPLIFY CLI up to version 1.5.X.

As always we seek to provide the best solutions possible to help you achieve your business needs. We recommend trying out the Axway CLI, which replaces the AMPLIFY CLI and provides a richer feature set with a more robust experience. Check out the documentation Axway CLI for more information on how to download and try it out.


To install the AMPLIFY CLI, run the following from the terminal:

npm i -g @axway/amplify-cli

Some Linux and macOS systems require elevated filesystem access to install the AMPLIFY CLI in the global location and require npm to be run as sudo:

sudo npm i -g @axway/amplify-cli

Getting help

The AMPLIFY CLI has built-in help that can be accessed by passing --help into any command or by running:


Proxy server configuration

If you you are behind a network proxy server, then you may need to set the proxy server URL by running the following command and replacing the username, password, proxy server URL, and port number.

amplify config set network.httpProxy http://<username>:<password>@<proxy-server-url>:<port>

You will also need to configure the proxy server for npm:

npm config set https-proxy http://<username>:<password>@<proxy-server-url>:<port>

For more information, visit the configuration page.

Proxy server with self-signed certificate

If your proxy server uses a self-signed TLS/SSL certificate, then you will need to disable certificate validation:

# Linux/macOS
# Windows

Also, disable the certificate for npm:

npm config set strict-ssl false


To log into the AMPLIFY Platform, run:

amplify auth login

For more information, visit the authentication page.


The AMPLIFY CLI package manager allows you to search, view, install, update, and uninstall packages such as other Axway CLI products.

To search for an AMPLIFY package, run:

amplify pm search

To install a package, run:

amplify pm install <package>[@<version>]

To list installed packages, run:

amplify pm list