This document covers Amplify Runtime Services (ARS) version 1.7. Please
use this document if you are:
An existing Appcelerator customer using only ACS CLI for authentication
An existing Amplify Runtime Services customer using ARS 1.7 instead of
For Amplify Runtime Services (ARS) version 2.0, please refer to the ARS 2.0 documentation page.
Monitor Published Applications!
The status of your published applications to a production environment should
be monitored using Pingdom, New Relic, or a similar website performance
monitoring program. For information on Pingdom, refer to the Pingdom website. For information on New Relic, see the New Relic website.
AMPLIFY Runtime Services (API Runtime Services) is an elastically
scalable infrastructure that runs your API Builder applications and
its pre-built services, including Mobile Backend Services.