Alloy 1.11.0 - 5 January 2018
Alloy 1.10.0 is a patch release that includes one improvement.
As of this release, Alloy 1.11.x will not be supported six months from 1.12.0's release date. See Axway Appcelerator Deprecation Policy and Nominal Lifetimes documents for details.
- ALOY-1315 - Update out-of-date Alloy dependencies
Updated the following dependencies versions:
DependenciesPreviousLatestcolors 0.6.0-1 1.1.2 pkginfo 0.2.2 0.3.0 commander 0.6.1 2.8.1 wrench 1.3.9 1.5.8 jsonlint 1.5.1 1.6.2 uglify-js 2.4.15 2.4.24 source-map 0.1.9 0.5.1 moment 2.7.0 2.10.6 node.extend 1.0.10 1.1.5