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2020.01.14 Ver.25 (2021.1.6)

Axway Appcelerator Studio Getting Started

Axway Appcelerator Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to build an enterprise-level cross-platform mobile applications using the Titanium SDK. It's built based on the Eclipse, an open-source and most widely used IDE.

This guide contains a selection of tutorials that show you how to get started with the building cross-platform mobile application development using Axway Appcelerator Studio.

As part of the getting-started process, you go through the following steps:

  1. Sign up at https://platform.axway.com.
  2. Go through Studio System Requirements.
  3. Complete the steps in Download and Install Studio.
  4. Follow the instructions in Install Platform SDK's for your preferred platform (iOS, Android, and Windows).
  5. Develop your first Titanium App. Get started with the sample Hello Titanium App.

If you're coming from the background of Aptana Studio or Titanium Studio, please check the comparison here. However, Titanium Studio is replaced with the Appcelerator Studio to support enterprise and professional mobile app development features.

If your work is primarily web application development, we recommend installing the standalone Aptana Studio; if your work also involves Java development, we recommend installing Aptana Studio as an Eclipse plugin.

Have an older version of Appcelerator Studio installed? Please review Updating the Current Version.
