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2018.03.15 Ver.17 (2018.12.3)

Build Configuration File (alloy.jmk)

Alloy provides hooks to customize the compilation process using a special JavaScript file called a JS Makefile (JMK). The file needs to be named alloy.jmk and located in the project's app directory. This file can be used for common administration tasks or to fine tune the build process. It will be loaded automatically by the Alloy command line during compilation.

Example of a JMK file:

task('pre:compile', function(event, logger) {
    logger.showTimestamp = true;
    logger.info('building project at '+ event.dir.project);
task('post:compile', function(event, logger) {
    logger.info('compile finished!');

To customize the build process, call the task function with the event name and provide a function callback, which will be called when the event is triggered by the compiler.

These are the event names (or compiler tasks):

  • pre:load: called after the project is cleaned and before copying any assets to the Resources folder.
  • pre:compile: called before the compiler starts.
  • post:compile: called after the compiler finishes but before it exits.
  • compile:app.js: called just after the compilation of the main app.js file but before the code is written to disk.

The function callback provides two arguments: event and logger.

The event object provides a set of objects and values which may be useful for building tasks:




List of adapters.


Contains Alloy compiler configuration information.

  • platform : either android, ios or windows.
  • file: file to target for selective compilation.
  • deploytype : compilation environment type: either development, test or production.
  • beautify : if set to true, the output from UglifyJS will be beautified.


If set to true, autostyle is enabled for the entire project.
Value of the dependencies key in the config.json file.


Contains directory paths to various resources.

  • home : absolute path to the Alloy project's app directory.
  • project : absolute path to the Alloy project's root directory.
  • resources : absolute path to the Alloy project's Resource directory.
  • resourcesAlloy : absolute path to the Alloy project's Resource/alloy directory.
  • assets : absolute path to the Alloy project's assets.
  • config : absolute path to the Alloy project's config.
  • controllers : absolute path to the Alloy project's controllers.
  • migrations : absolute path to the Alloy project's migrations.
  • models : absolute path to the Alloy project's models.
  • styles : absolute path to the Alloy project's styles.
  • themes : absolute path to the Alloy project's themes.
  • views : absolute path to the Alloy project's views.
  • widgets : absolute path to the Alloy project's widgets.
  • builtins : absolute path to the Alloy tool builtins.
  • template : absolute path to the Alloy tool templates.
If true, generates the source mapping files for use with the Studio debugger and other functions.
These files maps the generated Titanium files in the Resources directory to the ones in the app directory.


Name of the theme being used.


Only present for the compile:app.js task. Contains the contents of the app.js file.


Only present for the compile:app.js task. Contains the the absolute path to the app.js file.


The logger object provides a reference to the logger, which defines the following methods and properties:


Output all log messages.

Output all log messages except debug messages.

Output only warning and error log messages.

Output only error log messages.

Disable log messages.

logLevel: Number
Sets which log messages to output.

showTimestamp: Boolean
If true, outputs timestamp with the log messages.

stripColors: Boolean
If true, suppresses color output.


debug (String msg)
Outputs a debug log message.


  • msg : String
    Message to output.


  • void

info (String msg)
Outputs an info log message.


  • msg : String
    Message to output.


  • void

warn (String msg)
Outputs a warning log message.


  • msg : String
    Message to output.


  • void

error (String msg)
Outputs an error log message.


  • msg : String
    Message to output.


  • void

3 コメント

  1. Hello, good evening.

    Thanks for this. I'd really appreciate if you can tell me where can I find an extended example or a specification about the use and capabilities of this file. What I have been trying to do is set a new path for my views folder, after recognize if the device is either a tablet or a handheld. I have not been able to get this done but I think the most useful approach can be around here.

    Hope you can help me, regards. 

    1. Hello Carlos. The alloy.jmk file allows you to hook into compile-time events, whereas form factor can only be determined on run-time. For form factor specific views use the formFactor attribute in your XML Views as described in the Alloy Views guide.

      1. Hello Fokke, thanks for your answer.

        I was thinking about using it as a temporal solution, but if it is determined on runtime I will make it permanent then.

        Thanks, have a nice week.