If you change the type or nature of your project (i.e. you decided to start using PHP in your Web project), you will want to change how Studio processes the files in your project.
Project natures help identify the type of files that live inside. It affects a variety of items, but most notably content assist. It basically comes down to how the projects are indexed. Some project "types" are actually a combination of several others.
A means the file type is indexed. You may put files of any type in any project,
but they only have certain meanings in certain projects.
File Types |
JavaScript |
Python |
Django |
Ruby |
Web Project |
Python Project |
Ruby Project |
Rails Project |
PHP Project |
Titanium Desktop |
Titanium Mobile |
Changing Project Natures
To change the natures associated with a project:
- Right-click on the project in question in the Project Explorer View.
- Choose Properties > Project Natures.
- Select the natures most appropriate to your project.
- Click OK. It will ask to close and reopen your project.
Associated Natures
Below are the natures to associate with a project of a particular type:
- Web
- Web
- Web
- Rails
Titanium Mobile
- Web
- Titanium Mobile
Titanium Desktop
- Web
- Titanium Desktop