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Adding a bookmark

This page describes how to add a bookmark to a file.


Add bookmarks to make it easier to jump to specific places in your code.


To add a bookmark to your code:

  1. Click on the line of code where you want to add the bookmark.
  2. From the Edit menu, select Add Bookmark... from the context menu to open an Add Bookmark pop-up window.
  3. On the Add Bookmark pop-up window, type the name that you want to give to the bookmark.
  4. Click OK.

Aptana creates the bookmark for you, which now appears in the Bookmarks View.

To quickly jump to the bookmark, double-click the bookmark in the Bookmark View.

Note: You can also add a bookmark by right-clicking in the gray left margin of your editor (shown below) next to the line where you want to add the bookmark.


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