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Browsing a database in RadRails

This page explains how to browse a database in RadRails.


Once you set up a database in your Rails project, you can use the RadRails Data Perspective to browse your database.


To browse your database in RadRails:

  1. Set up your database:
    1. In the Rails Navigator View, go to your project and expand the config folder.
    2. Open the database.yml file in your Editor.
    3. Follow the instructions in the comments section of the database.yml file to set up your database and save your changes to the file.
  2. Browse your database in the Data Perspective
    1. Click the Image:iconDataPerspective.png to switch to the Data Perspective.
    2. Click the Data Navigator View tab and expand your project folder.
    3. Double-click your database in the Data Navigator to create a database connection.

    RadRails will display the database tables in the Data Navigator. You can expand a table to display its columns, and you can also double-click a table to perform a "Select *" query on that table. The Results View will display the results for that query.

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