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2019.12.17 Ver.11 (2021.2.10)     

AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services


The Appcelerator Platform is available as a service referred to as App Builder through the AMPLIFY platform.

Appcelerator Services are a set of features that include:

  • Crash Analytics: Monitor your application's health, crashes, and overall performance to help developers diagnose why applications crash and focus on specific issues based on user feedback.
  • Appcelerator Analytics: Track your applications' user adoption and engagement to help understand how your application is used, which features are not used, and decide what will go in the next version of your application.

For Titanium applications, activate the services using Appcelerator Studio, which enables basic analytics and performance data collection. For advanced features, you need to add Titanium API calls to the application.

For native Android applications built with Java and iOS applications built with Objective-C, use the Dashboard to activate Appcelerator Services and the AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services Native SDKs to integrate the services with the application.