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2020.05.12 Ver.14 (2021.1.10)

Contributing API Documentation



This guide describes how to submit changes to the Titanium SDK API documentation.

The process for getting the SDK source and submitting a pull request is identical to the process for code contributions, described in the Pull Request Guide.

As with code contributions, you must electronically sign the Contributors License Agreement (CLA) before you can contribute documentation or any other materials to the project.

Editing API Documentation

The API documentation is stored in the apidoc folder inside the titanium_mobile repository.

The documentation is written in the Titanium Doc format, TDoc, which is documented in the TDoc Specification.

API doc contributions should comply with the Titanium API Doc Style Guide.

Generating the HTML API Docs

You can build the basic HTML version of the Titanium docs using the titanium-docgen tooling, as follows:

npm run build:docs

The HTML files are then output to the /path/to/titanium_mobile/dist/apidoc directory, with the index page at dist/apidoc/index.html.

You might find that some projects such as Titanium native modules don't have this npm script available. In that instance, you can use the following:

npx docgen apidoc -o ./dist

Validating API Doc Modifications

After changes have been made to the API Doc source, it's important to verify that the code is free from errors using:

npm run lint:docs

You might find that some projects such as Titanium native modules don't have this npm script available. In that instance, you can use the following:

npx tdoc-validate apidoc/


Validating on Windows

On Windows, as Command Line program cannot handle the UTF-8 characters of the validation report, the following error may be displayed:

UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character u'\u2713' in position 1: character maps to <undefined>

A workaround for this is to only display a simple report, using the following command:

cd /path/to/titanium_mobile/apidoc
python validate.py --errors-only --style=simple

Submitting Contributions

The process for contributing API Docs is the same as contributing code. Please refer to Pull Request Guide for guidance.