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2019.12.17 Ver.25 (2020.3.30)

AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services Native SDKs

Pro or Enterprise Subscription Required


This AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services feature requires a Pro or Enterprise Subscription. 

About AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services Services Native SDKs

AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services Services SDK for iOS and Android provides support for Appcelerator Analytics, and Cloud for your Android applications built with the native Android APIs and Java, and iOS applications built with the native iOS APIs and Objective-C.

At a Glance

Getting Started

To incorporate Appcelerator Services into your Android or iOS application, you need to download the APS SDK, obtain an application key to use the services, then modify your project to include the libraries and initialize the services.

See the following topics for getting started with the AMPLIFY Appcelerator Services Service SDK:

For native Android applications built with Java, see the Quick Start Guide for Android APS SDK.


For native iOS applications built with Objective-C, see the Quick Start Guide for iOS APS SDK.

For native iOS applications built with Swift, see the Quick Start Guide for iOS APS SDK using Swift.

Appcelerator Analytics

Appcelerator Analytics collects and presents information in real-time about your application's user acquisition, engagement, and usage. Use the APSAnalytics API to send custom analytic events for navigation, geolocation, and feature events.

See the following topics for Appcelerator Analytics Service:


For native Android applications built with Java, see the APS Analytics for Android guide and APSAnalytics Android API Reference.


For native iOS applications built with Objective-C, see the APS Analytics for iOS guide and APSAnalytics iOS API Reference.

Appcelerator Cloud

Appcelerator Cloud provides an interface to Mobile Backend Services, which includes access to pre-defined REST objects and push notification services, respectively. Your application uses the APSCloud class and supporting cloud object classes to access Mobile Backend Services with Java or Objective-C calls.

See the following topics for Appcelerator Cloud Service:


For native Android applications built with Java, see the APS Cloud for Android guide and APSCloud Android API Reference.


For native iOS applications built with Objective-C, see the APS Cloud for iOS guide and APSCloud iOS API Reference.


Once you have your application set up to use Appcelerator Services, use Dashboard to monitor your application and view metrics about it. Dashboard lets you view and diagnose your mobile application's health and usage statistics. The Dashboard provides a lot of technical data about your application.

Relevant Chapters: Dashboard