明壁幕府忍法帳 > Aptana Index > Home > AMPLIFY Dashboard > AMPLIFY Dashboard Guide > Managing Organizations > Configuring and Managing Identity Providers (IdPs) > Managing Domains > Adding a Domain

2020.12.17 Ver.14 (2021.2.15)

Adding a Domain

Sequence Completed task to configure and enable an IdP



Add a domain and

Verify domain ownership


Configure an OIDC or SAML v2.0 IdP

Step 1 tasks (add and verify a domain, or configure an IdP) can be completed in any order
Confirm the association of your IdP to the domain


Enable the IdP configuration for all domain users



(Optional) Add a subdomain


At least one email domain used by the Identity Provider must be added to the org, and domain ownership must be confirmed by a TXT record set on the domain's DNS that matches one that is displayed in the AMPLIFY Platform.

To add a domain

  1. From the Identity Provider page, click the Actions (...) menu, and then select Add Domain

    The Add Domain modal dialog appears. 

  2. Using the TXT Name (if supported by the IdP provider), TXT Value, and TTL values displayed, configure a TXT record with your DNS provider for the domain being added. 
  3. Enter the domain in the modal, and then click Add. After adding the domain, it will appear in the Email Domain table as Pending in the Owned column.
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