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2018.03.02 Ver.5 (2018.3.29)

Preventing Man-in-the-middle Attacks for API Runtime Services API Calls

This info only applies to users who intend to do API calls to API Runtime Services while using the https module.

You only need to generate your own certificate if you are using the https module and NOT the ti.cloud modules.

Note: you will need https module and ti.cloud module to test this sample app:

var Cloud = require('ti.cloud');
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
    backgroundColor: 'white'
        serverCertificate: "api.cloud.appcelerator.com.der"
var btn = Ti.UI.createButton({
    title: 'Login User in Ti.Cloud',
    top: '50%'
btn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
//any Cloud calls here will do
        login: 'test@mycompany.com',
        password: 'test_password'
    }, function (e) {
        if (e.success) {
            var user = e.users[0];
            alert('Success:\n' +
                'id: ' + user.id + '\n' +
                'sessionId: ' + Cloud.sessionId + '\n' +
                'first name: ' + user.first_name + '\n' +
                'last name: ' + user.last_name);
        } else {
            alert('Error:\n' +
                ((e.error && e.message) || JSON.stringify(e)));

Steps to test

  1. Create a new Classic app.
  2. Enable cloud services and include both ti.cloud and https modules.
  3. Include attached .der certificate in the Resources directory.
  4. Build and run.
  5. Click btn.

When testing the HTTP client connecting to the https site at this point, you should get an error message saying that no user or password was found which is what is expected to report if everything was set up properly.