Aptana Studio Help > Getting Started > Transferring Files with FTP/SFTP

About the Aptana FTP/SFTP tools

Aptana Studio's FTP and SFTP tools enable you to transfer files between your hard drive and a remote web site. You can also download the current files from your remote site, or synchronize both your hard drive and remote site simultaneously.

The SFTP tool is only available as part of the Studio Pro edition.

Using the Tools

  1. Before starting the file transfer, set up a connection to your remote web site (Adding an SFTP/FTP site).
  2. Create a site connection between the SFTP/FTP site and the folder or Aptana project on your hard drive (Adding a site connection).

You can now transfer your files between locations using the Sync Manager or with drag and drop between your remote site and any folder in the File View.

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