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Setting breakpoints in Firebug

This page describes how to set a breakpoint in the Firebug extension for Firefox.


  • Introduction

    You can set breakpoints in Firebug to stop the execution of a script on the line with the breakpoint. You can also add a condition to a breakpoint, so that the execution only pauses when that execution is met.


    Adding a breakpoint

    To add a breakpoint to a script:

    1. In the lower right corner of Firefox, click the Firebug button Image:iconFirebug.png to start Firebug.
    2. Click the Image:iconFirebugScript.png tab to view the Script tab.
    3. Click on the line where you want to add a breakpoint.

      Firebug adds a Image:iconFirebugBreakpoint.png icon to the line to signify a breakpoint.

    Making a breakpoint conditional

    To make a breakpoint conditional, right-click the breakpoint in Firebug to open an expression dialogue, and type the expression that should be true for the script execution to break on that line.

    Viewing all breakpoints

    To view a list of all breakpoints for a script, click the Image:iconFirebugBreakpoints.png tab on the right part of the screen (with the Script tab active).

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